This is a selection of companies I have supported as a freelance IT consultant or, prior to this (2008), as a full-time employee working on projects.

Jakub Jirsák –

Otto Group – Otto GmbH & Co. KG

Load Testing and Technical Testing with project goal of transfer from a Legacy Host Systems to a newer System

  • Period: Since Early 2015
  • SUT: Main System of Web Services in the backend
  • Main Test Tools: Custom LPT-Tool | Smartbear SoapUI | Splunk | AppDynamics | MS Excel | HP ALM | Apache JMeter
  • Tasks: Consulting on processes and execution of Load Testing, Performance Testing and Technical Testing, Focus on Performance of Web Services at backend of the main system, main system uses Java GlassFish Application Server. Technical Integration Testing and Fail-Over Testing. Implementing monitoring-solutions and automated result analysis and automated performance comparisons. Oracle ASH-Data Monitoring and Analysis. Analysis and profiling with AppDynamics. Documentation and test case creation / Refactoring of technical Tests. Result Analysis and displaying results (MS Excel, Splunk).

BITMARCK Software GmbH

Performance Testing a Java Desktop-Application of Insurance Market

  • Period: Ende 2014 – ca. 2 Monate
  • SUT: Java Desktop Application out of Insurance Market per Citrix and Java API
  • Main Test Tools: Micro Focus Borland Silk Performer, Java – Groovy – Citrix Scripting
  • Tasks: Design and programming new load test scenarios and scripts, test case creation, refactoring of the present test scripts, assistance in setting up the load test environments, installation of load test software and set-up load generators, requirements analysis, planning and control of load testing, documentation, evaluation and explanation / interpretation of the analysis of the results, compare results to requirements and explanation of fulfilment of requirements, monitoring hardware resources (JBoss Application Server) and database (IBM DB2) and application-KPIs.
  • Info: Load test with Citrix client (Headful, GUI Java-Swing) as well as JAVA-API (Headless, non-GUI Java/Groovy-API), IBM DB2 database, 7.000 virtual user

GfK Retail & Technology

Load and performance test and technical test of different Data-In Procedure and of different applications from varying projects

  • Period:
    Mid 2013 till end of 2014 – ca. 1,5 years
  • SUT:
    Several applications for Data-In and Data-Quality-Checks
  • Main Test Tools:
    Custom LPT-Tools | NeoLoad and LoadUIWeb for evaluation | Apache JMeter for load test on protocol-level | Ranorex + Custom-Framework for UI Test Automation | Microsoft TFS / MTM | Oracle SQL Developer | MS Excel | BIRT in Eclipse | Windows Batch Automation for processes
  • Tasks:
    Consulting on processes and implementation of load & performance testing and technical testing, focusing on Oracle database (DWH) and MS Access databases, requirements analysis of new projects (changes), programming of analysis scripts (PL/SQL, Windows Batch), Oracle ASH data monitoring and evaluation, documentation, evaluation and presentation of results (MS Excel, BIRT), General consulting on test processes, methods, and communications.
    Test automation with different tool related to concrete project and test application. Performance testing of Silverlight, Web and Desktop applications on different Interface-Layer.
  • Info:
    Very large Oracle database storing several terabytes of data.
  • Reference:
    Alexander Heimlich, very good reference of technical test lead is available and viewable here.


Crowdtesting: Applause – uTest – Testbirds

In between and alongside actual project business I perform very short test jobs on Crowd Testing platforms. In most cases tests of Mobile Devices for Android or Browser tests.

  • Period:
    Since Mid of 2014
  • SUT:
    For Example Android Hotel Rating Systems and Apps, Internet Portals, Communication Apps, etc.

GfK Retail & Technology

Load and performance test and technical test of a complex Oracle data warehouse (DWH) system in market research, BI (Business Intelligence)

  • Period:
    End 2012 till mid 2013 – ca. 1 Year
  • SUT:
    Reporting and analysis system for market research (data warehouse)
  • Main test tools:
    Custom LPT-Tool | Microsoft TFS / MTM | Oracle SQL Developer | MS Excel | BIRT in Eclipse | Apache JMeter
  • Tasks:
    Consulting on processes and implementation of load & performance testing and technical testing, focusing on Oracle database (DWH), requirements analysis of new projects (changes), programming of analysis scripts (PL/SQL, Perl), Oracle ASH data monitoring and evaluation, documentation, evaluation and presentation of results (MS Excel, BIRT), General consulting on test processes, methods, and communications.
  • Info:
    Very large Oracle database storing several terabytes of data.
  • Reference:
    Alexander Heimlich, very good reference of technical test lead is available and viewable here.


Deutsche Bank AG

Load and performance test for relaunching a website and relocating to a new data center

  • Period:
    Mid 2012 – ca. 3 months
  • SUT:
    Public Website
  • Main test tools:
    HP LoadRunner | NEOTYS NeoLoad | Custom LPT-tool
  • Tasks:
    Building load test environments, requirements analysis, planning and control of load tests, design and implementation of scenarios and scripts, scripting, documentation, consulting, load test execution, result analysis (to a large extent with SQL on raw data) and reporting.
  • Info:
    5,000 concurrent virtual users


brandmarken Hamburg | Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH

Analysis of the performance behavior of a web page

  • Period:
    Mid 2012 – ca. 3 weeks
  • SUT:
    Public Website
  • Main test tool:
    Apache JMeter
  • Tasks:
    Planning and control of load tests, scenarios and scripts, documentation, test design consulting, load test implementation, execution, analysis and presentation of results.
  • Reference:
    Raphael Schulz, his reference can be found at my XING profile under “References”. Only as Xing Member viewable at Xing but on this screenshot.


Deutsche Bank AG

Load and performance testing before roll-out

  • Period:
    Early 2012 – ca. 2 month
  • SUT:
    Intranet Information Portal (AJAX)
  • Main test tool:
    HP LoadRunner
  • Tasks:
    Building load test environments, requirements analysis, planning and control scenarios and scripts, scripting, documentation, consulting, load test implementation, execution, analysis and presentation of results.
  • Info:
    2,000 concurrent virtual users


T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH / Federal Employment Agency Germany

everythingpossible –

Load and performance testing of new software versions and refactoring / extension of load test

  • Period:
    Early 2009 till End 2011 – Long term contract for 3 years
  • SUT:
    Complex internal web application – Very big administrative / calculation / payment system with several terabytes of database systems
  • Main test tool:
    Micro Focus Borland SilkPerformer, Ruby Custom web application for result analysis
  • Tasks:
    Load test script development and refactoring, load test execution, analysis, programming analysis scripts, building new load test environments and whose maintenance, test consulting in general, planning and coordination of load tests, support database construction and anonymous production data.
  • Info:
    Large IBM Informix database with multiple terabytes of data.
    Large-scale project: test team of approx. 60 individuals
    500-4,000 concurrent virtual users in the load test, 40,000 concurrent in production.
  • Reference 1:
    Jens Gehrling, very good T-system reference of test lead is available and viewable here.
  • Reference 2:
    Guido Heymann, his reference can be found at my XING profile under “References”. Only as Xing Member viewable at Xing but on this screenshot.


IBM / Bundeswehr computer science (BWI Informationstechnik GmbH; BWI Systems GmbH)

Load and performance testing before rollout

  • Period:
    End 2008 – ca. 1 month
  • SUT:
    Application for time tracking
  • Main test tool:
    IBM Rational Performance Tester
  • Tasks:
    design of scenarios and scripts, load test design, execution, monitoring, documentation, analyzing performance and usage, generating test data, consulting, making proposals, test monitoring and test control.
  • Info:
    500 concurrent virtual users
  • Reference:
    Harry Zander, his reference can be found at my XING profile under “References”. Only as Xing Member viewable at Xing but on this screenshot:


IBM / Bundeswehr computer science (BWI Informationstechnik GmbH; BWI Systems GmbH)

Load and performance testing before rollout

  • SUT:
    Intranet Information Portal
  • Main test tool:
    IBM Rational Performance Tester
  • Tasks:
    Design of scenarios and scripts, load test design, execution, monitoring, documentation, generating test data, consulting, making proposals, analysis, test monitoring and test control.
  • Info:
    1,000 concurrent virtual users
  • Reference: Harry Zander, his reference can be found at my XING profile under “References”. Only as Xing Member viewable at Xing but on this screenshot:

andagon GmbH: IT service provider and software development company

Torbz –
  • Period:
    Early 2008 till End 2008 – ca. 1 year
  • As regular employed IT-Consultant
  • Integration and system test – T-Mobile Germany GmbH
    • Error classification, documentation, and management
    • Main test tool: HP Mercury Quality Center
    • Development of a new process for defect management in connection with coordination of on-site customer support and development.
  • Evaluation and introduction of test tools for automating tests.
    • Rational Functional Tester, HP QuickTest Professional, IBM Rational robot, Rational Performance Tester, HP LoadRunner
  • TÜV Rheinland: Design and create curriculum, presentation and training of the TÜV certificate tester.
  • Training and coaching of test automation consultants
  • Development of a new test suite (for requirements and business process management, test automation and test case management)

Leopold Kostal GmbH & co. KG

Coaching of coding guidelines from the automotive sector (MISRA-C)

  • Period:
    Early 2007 till End 2007 – ca. 1 year
  • Work as diplomate (graduand)
  • Main tool: QA system QAC (certificate available)
  • Tasks: Static analysis of modules on deviations from MISRA-C and company’s own coding guidelines.
  • Assistance to the coding rules and the tool landscape.